Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Internet Lawyer: How to Find an Internet Lawyer

Internet lawyer qualifications. Part Two.

Okay, you need an Internet lawyer and go online, conduct a search on your favorite search engine (I suspect we all know which one that is!). Now you see AdWords pay per click ads for all kinds of lawyers claiming to be the best Internet lawyer. Then you take a look at the organic or natural results and find some other options for an Internet lawyer.

Here's a key tip. Go to the Internet lawyer websites and get a feel for their qualifications. We'll discuss the next steps in posts to come. Finding the right Internet lawyer can be easy or hard. I'll try to make the process easy for you. And no, the answer isn't to hire Traverse Internet Law. We turn away many, many prospective clients each week because we are not a good fit for their legal needs. I'll tell you what types of lawyers you need for all the different kinds of legal issues you will run into on the web. Stay tuned.

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